
This page describes how to contribute to the Reo compiler.

Clone the repository

Confirm with git --version that Git is installed on your system. Clone the git repository, and change directory into the Reo folder:

git clone
cd Reo


If you are not familiar with Git version control, please consult a tutorial on Git.

Build the project

This compiler project is build using Apache Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool.


If you are not familiar with the Maven build tool, please consult a tutorial on Maven. Maven automatically takes care of all the dependencies of this project (such as the dependency on ANTLR4 for lexer and parser generation). This tool is therefore essential for smooth development of this single project by multiple developers, each using his/her own operating system.

Confirm with mvn -v that Maven is installed on your system. Otherwise (on Ubuntu), run command:

sudo apt-get install maven

to install the latest Apache Maven.

To build the project, run:

mvn install

This Maven command creates in every module (i.e., reo-compiler/, etc.) a folder called target that contains a Java archive with all compiled code of that particular module. Furthermore, it creates a self-contained Java archive reo-compiler/target/reoc.jar that contains the Reo compiler.

Documentation by Javadoc

To allow people other than yourself to understand what your code is supposed to do, it is extremely important to document your code. Since the Reo compiler is written in Java, we use Javadoc for documentation. Using Eclipse, you can easily generate a skeleton of the documentation using a plugin like JAutodoc. Once the documentation is in place, you can generate a static Javadoc website for the whole project by running:

mvn javadoc:aggregate

Setting up Eclipse

If you use Eclipse as development environment, run:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

to generate eclipse configuration files, such as .project and .classpath. Manually define the M2_REPO classpath variable in Eclipse IDE as follows:

  1. Eclipse IDE, menu bar;
  2. Select Window > Preferences;
  3. Select Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables;
  4. Click on the new button > define a new variable called M2_REPO and point it to your local Maven repository (i.e., ~/.m2/repository in Linux).

Adding new semantics to the compiler

There exist more than thirty different semantics for Reo [JA12]. Although all these different kinds of semantics for Reo have a fully developed theory, not all of them are actually implemented in the Reo compiler. In view of the variety of Reo semantics, the Reo compiler has been build in a generic way that allows for easy extension to new Reo semantics.

This tutorial provides a step-by-step procedure that extends the current Reo compiler with a new type of semantics called MyReoSemantics (or MRS for short).

  1. Implement your semantics as java objects.

    a. In the reo-semantics module, add an alternative MRS to the enum nl.cwi.reo.semantics.SemanticsType. Update the toString() method by adding a case

    case MRS: return "mrs";


    The value of the toString() method is used by the Reo compiler when it searches component definitions in on the file system.

    b. In the reo-semantics module, create a new package called nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics, and add a class called MyReoSemantics that implements nl.cwi.reo.semantics.Semantics as follows:

    package nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics;
    import nl.cwi.reo.semantics.Semantics;
    public class MyReoSemantics implements Semantics<MyReoSemantics> { }

    If MyReoSemantics can be viewed as an extension of port automata with a particular type of labels on its transitions, then we can reuse the generic automaton implementation and instantiate it using our own type of labels on the transitions.

    i. Implement the transition label by creating a class nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics.MyReoSemanticsLabel that implements the nl.cwi.reo.automata.Label interface. This interface requires you to implement how composition and hiding affects transition labels.

    1. let the class MyReoSemantics extend the class nl.cwi.reo.automata.Automaton as follows:
    package nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics;
    import nl.cwi.reo.automata.Automaton;
    import nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics.MyReoSemanticsLabel;
    import nl.cwi.reo.semantics.Semantics;
    public class MyReoSemantics extends Automaton<MyReoSemanticsLabel>
                    implements Semantics<MyReoSemantics> { }
  2. Design an ANTLR4 grammar for your semantics. For further details on ANTLR4, we refer to the manual [Parr13].

    a. In the folder reo-interpreter/src/main/antlr4/nl/cwi/reo/interpret/, ceate a grammar file MRS.g4 that contains a rule called mrs:

    grammar MRS;
    import Tokens;
    mrs : //...// ;
    1. Add an alternative | mrs ; to the rule of atom in the main grammar Reo.g4 of Reo.
  3. Implement an ANTL4 listener that annotates the parse tree with our MyReoSemantics classes.

    a. In the reo-interpreter module, create a class nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners.ListenerMRS that extends nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners.Listener as follows:

    package nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners;
    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeProperty;
    import nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners.Listener;
    import nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics.MyReoSemantics;
    public class ListenerMRS extends Listener<MyReoSemantics> {
            private ParseTreeProperty<MyReoSemantics> myReoSemantics =
                            new ParseTreeProperty<MyReoSemantics>();
            public void exitAtom(AtomContext ctx) {
                    atoms.put(ctx, automata.get(;
    1. In the root directory of this repository, run mvn clean install to let ANTLR4 generate a parser and a lexer for your new grammar.

    c. Go to the folder reo-interpreter/target/generated-sources/antr4/nl/cwi/reo/interpret that contains all classes generated by ANTLR4, and copy all (empty) methods from class MRSBaseListener to our listener class ListenerMRS. Replace all occurrences of MRSParser.<rule>Context with <rule>Context and import ReoParser.<rule>Context. For example:

    package nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners;
    import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeProperty;
    import nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners.Listener;
    import nl.cwi.reo.interpret.ReoParser.MrsContext;
    import nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics.MyReoSemantics;
    public class ListenerMRS extends Listener<MyReoSemantics> {
            private ParseTreeProperty<MyReoSemantics> myReoSemantics =
                            new ParseTreeProperty<MyReoSemantics>();
            public void exitAtom(AtomContext ctx) {
                    atoms.put(ctx, automata.get(;
            public void enterMrs(MrsContext ctx) { }
            public void exitMrs(MrsContext ctx) { }
             * All other rules go here.
    1. Implement all other rules to eventually assign a MyReoSemantics object to the parse tree as follows:
    public void exitMrs(MrsContext ctx) {
            myReoSemantics.put(ctx, new MyReoSemantics( ... ));
  4. Implement an interpreter for your semantics by creating a class nl.cwi.reo.interpret.InterpreterMRS with the following implementation:

package nl.cwi.reo.interpret;

import java.util.List;

import nl.cwi.reo.interpret.listeners.ListenerMRS;
import nl.cwi.reo.myreosemantics.MyReoSemantics;
import nl.cwi.reo.semantics.SemanticsType;

public class InterpreterMRS extends Interpreter<MyReoSemantics> {
         * Constructs a Reo interpreter for MyReoSemantics.
         * @param dirs          list of directories of Reo components
         * @param params        list of parameters passed to the main Reo component
        public InterpreterPA(List<String> dirs, List<String> params) {
                super(SemanticsType.MRS, new ListenerMRS(), dirs, params);
  1. Edit the run() method of the compiler by using your new interpreter InterpreterMRS as follows:
public void run() {
        Interpreter<MyReoSemantics> interpreter = new InterpreterMRS(directories, params);
        Assembly<MyReoSemantics> program = interpreter.interpret(files);

Future work

Since this is a young project, many features are yet to be implemented:

  • Animation
  • Autocompletion of code
  • Dynamic reconfiguration (by graph transformations)
  • Exports (to BIP, ect.)
  • Graphical editor
  • Imports (from BPEL, UML sequence sequence diagrams)
  • Model checking (via Vereofy and MCRL2)
  • Simulation (of stochastic Reo connectors)
  • Syntax highlighting


[Parr13]Terence Parr. 2013. The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference (2nd ed.). Pragmatic Bookshelf.
[JA12]Sung-Shik T. Q. Jongmans, Farhad Arbab: Overview of Thirty Semantic Formalisms for Reo. Sci. Ann. Comp. Sci. 22(1): 201-251 (2012)